1 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
1 cup butter
1 tsp light Karo Syrup
1 cup slivered almonds (raw)....toast almonds in advance and chop finely so they are ready to sprinkle over chocolate
1-2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
Combine first 5 ingredients in non-stick frying pan medium high heat. I used Teflon pan as I don't have a non-stick.
Stir constantly for about 15-20 minutes or until it is appears like peanut brittle. It will almost be smoking.
Pour it out on a foiled lined cookie sheet. Set up in advance.
It suggests letting it cool for 5 minutes before spreading chip but this seems to cool it too
quickly so I spread the l - 2 cups of chocolate chips over the top about a minute later.
Spread chocolate with knife or spatula.
It also suggests letting it stand 2 minutes before sprinkling almonds but I put those on right away
otherwise they don't adhere as easily.
Let stand overnight or several hours before breaking into pieces.