6 medium oranges (7 cups fruit)
1 package pectin
1/2 cup lemon juice
9 and 1/2 level cups sugar
Cut oranges in thin cartwheels or very high slices, and discard flat peel ends, as they may tend to be bitter and spoil marmalade. In an 8 quart kettle, add sliced fruit, pectin, 6 cups water and 1/2 cup lemon juice, and bring to quick boil. Simmer, uncovered till peel is very tender and looking transparent. About an hour. Peel must be tender. Measure peel and water, to make exactly 7 cups. Put in scalded jars. If sealing with paraffin stir and skim. Let cool to prevent floating fruit. Takes about 1/8 inch paraffin to seal. If using 2 piece metal jar lids, skim fruit same way, but immediately place lids on and tighten. Invert a short time. Shake jars, to distribute fruit before storing.