Sweet Pickles

Small cucumbers to pack into 1 quart jar
1 cup vinegar
1 tbsp salt
1 tsp alum
cold water to fill jar
Seal jar.

At the end of 6 weeks, prepare the following mix.

2 cups sugar
1 cup water
1 to 1 and 1/2 tbsp pickling spices

Bring to a boil. Drain and wash pickles that were in the original brine. Pack in jar again. Pour boiling hot mixture over pickles and seal. Ready to eat when cool.

Submitted by Wilma Swor.

Recipe submitted in 1984.

The Sweet Pickles recipe appeared in the Relishes and Pickles chapter of the 1984 Herron Island Cookbook.


Additional Information
Recipes in the Pickles and Relish Chapter
Recipes Submitted by Wilma Swor

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